Hurricane Matthew Update

Hurricane Matthew Update
Wednesday 10/05/2016 Update
With the projected forecast for Hurricane Matthew, the US Coast Guard anticipates implementing condition Yankee Wednesday at 4:00 AM at Port Miami.
Therefore the following terminal status will have to be implemented due to this US Coast Guard directive:
– SFCT Terminal will be Closed tomorrow Wednesday 10/5/16 for all Vessel and Truck traffic.
– For Thursday 10/6/16, SFCT will be also closed – (Unless the US Coast Guard lifts the severe weather condition for the Port of Miami) ***
---POMTOC will remain closed for all operations. ******** ALL containers arrived prior to Hurricane Matthew will incur Demurrage fees if they are still in port during closure ***
---FIT + PET - The US Coast Guard has placed all South Florida Ports under Hurricane Port Readiness Condition X-Ray and expects to set Port Readiness Condition Yankee tomorrow at 04:00 A.M. Under Condition Yankee, we will not be allowed to receive any containers either loaded or empty. We will be open to deliver imports and empties to the truckers.
*** Please check this website during the next couple of days for the latest advisories on operating hours for Friday ***